The SVInquire application provides vendors and brokers with a tool to view and download real time information related to promotional funds, order management, item information, inventory management and warehouse withdrawal history. The data can be viewed at any level of the organization (corporate, region/banner or distribution center) and is limited to the vendor number(s) and items you are authorized to. An explanation of each application is listed below.
Order Review - ability to review retail orders and related information such as order date and requested delivery date. The download also includes item information such as item status, warehouse inventory on hand, on order and aged inventory.
Item Listing - ability to review all authorized items and related information such as item status, cost, SRP, deals, total retail orders, inventory, aged and weekly forecast.
Sales History - ability to review warehouse withdrawal/invoice history for warehoused items. Currently, there is 16 weeks of history with plans to expand.
Weekly Ads - ability to review weekly ad activity. Information includes event information such as ad vehicle, items, order and delivery dates, event dates and category manager for the items. Once the event begins, suppliers are also able to see play, position, regular retail, ad retail and deal information.
Surveys - ability to survey activity (promotional surveys such as seasonal, new items etc). Information includes event information such as store group, items, order and delivery dates, event dates and category manager for the items. Once the event begins, suppliers are also able to see regular retail and deal information.
Vendor Funds - ability to view fund balances and transactions online in real time at any level of SUPERVALU.
Download Listing - ability to download information from the applications listed above.